Iron Bound is a gritty, authentic account of street gangs and life in the margins of Newark, New Jersey's Ironbound district at the start of the 60's. With all the elements of a noir mystery and a crime drama, it's Leach's insight into human nature and his ability to evoke place and moment that elevates the narrative to a complex examination of the tenuous relationships of people mired in conflict and fear. This edition of Iron Bound comes complete with a flexi-disc record of music written and recorded by the official Iron Bound band, the Newark Wanderers.
Available from Secret Acres
Pterodactyl Hunters in the Gilded City, a Best American Comics selection and winner of the Xeric Award and Ignatz Award for Outstanding Comic, is a story of sibling rivalry and family tradition in a rapidly changing world: a version of 1904 New York where generations of working-class hot-air-balloonists take to the skies each night to defend their city from pterodactyls.
As Tom Hart, author of Rosalie Lightning, writes, Pterodactyl Hunters is “as good as any comic gets… a rich world you want to stay in, a real story that resonates.”
Available from Secret Acres
New York City.
Two street punks, Zeke and Torston, rent their bodies out to the rich elite through Mind Swap, a company that lets you transfer your brainwaves. But when Torston has a bad reaction to the stasis, he suddenly finds himself awake in the body of a rich man...
40 pages, black and white
Available from Retrofit
A Bright, Guilty World was done for the Sundays 5 compilation, edited by Sean Ford. It eventually grew into the Iron Bound graphic novel.